- latitude
Latitude in decimal degrees. WGS84 preferred but not enforced.
- longitude
Longitude in decimal degrees. WGS84 preferred but not enforced.
- bottom_water_temp
- Temperature at the bottom of the water column.
- cruise
- For oceanic measurements - the name of the cruise on which the measurements were taken.
- elevation
- Site elevation
- province
- seafloor_age
- Age of the sea floor
- seamount_distance
- Distance in Km to the nearest seamount.
- sediment_thickness
The sediment thickness at the site reported by the original reference.
- sediment_thickness_type
- How sediment thickness was determined.
- site_name
- The name given to the site.
- surface_temp
- Temperature at the surface. Can be either a top of hole temperature or bottom of water temperature for oceanic measurements
- well_depth
Total depth of the hole in metres.
- year_drilled
- basin
Basin name from the CGG Robertson Basin and Plays - Basin Outlines shapefile
- continent
As calculated using the ESRI World Continents shapefile.
- country
As calculated using the World Borders shapefile.
- political
As calculated using the Flanders Marine Institute (2018)Marine and Land Zones. DOI: 10.14284/403
- sea
As calculated using the Flanders Marine Institute (2018)Oceans and Seas shapefile. DOI: 10.14284/323
- average_conductivity
Reported thermal conductivity to accompany the heat flow estimate.
- comment
- Information supplied with the measurement either by the original author/researcher or the compiler.
- conductivity_method
- Method used to measure or derive thermal conductivity.
- conductivity_uncertainty
- Uncertainty of the reported thermal conductivity.
- depth_max
For land-based measurements this represents the lower (or maximum) depth of the given measurement interval. For marine measurement it represents the penetration depth.
- depth_min
For land-based measurements this represents the upper (or minimum) depth of the given measurement interval.
- global_flag
- Measurement is suitable for use in global modelling.
- gradient_corrected
The corrected thermal gradient value over the specified interval.
- gradient_corrected_uncertainty
The uncertainty on the corrected thermal gradient value.
- gradient_uncorrected
The uncorrected thermal gradient value over the specified interval.
- gradient_uncorrected_uncertainty
The uncertainty on the uncorrected thermal gradient value.
- heat_flow_corrected
The corrected heat flow value over the specified interval.
- heat_flow_corrected_uncertainty
The uncertainty on the corrected heat flow value.
- heat_flow_uncorrected
The uncorrected heat flow value over the specified interval.
- heat_flow_uncorrected_uncertainty
The uncertainty on the corrected heat flow value.
- heat_generation
- Average heat generation to accompany the heat flow estimate.
- heat_generation_method
- Method used to measure or derive heat generation.
- heat_generation_uncertainty
- Uncertainty of the reported heat generation.
- number_of_conductivities
- Number of thermal conductivities from which the reported thermal conductivity was derived.
- number_of_heat_gen
- Number of heat generation values from which the average heat generation was derived.
- number_of_temperatures
- Number of temperatures used to determine the estimate.
- reference
- The publication or other reference from which the measurement was reported.
- reliability
- Heat flow reliability code
- site
- source
- temp_method
- The method used to obtain temperature values.
- tilt
- Angle between vertical and the orientation of the probe.
- bottom_water_variation
The reported bottom water variation correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- bottom_water_variation_flag
A boolean flag indicating if heat flow has been corrected for bottom water variation regardless of whether a number was reported.
- climate
The reported climate correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- climate_flag
A boolean flag indicating if a climate correction has been applied regardless of whether a number was reported.
- compaction
The reported compaction correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- compaction_flag
A boolean flag indicating if a compaction correction has been applied regardless of whether a number was reported.
- fluid
The reported fluid correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- fluid_flag
A boolean flag indicating if a correction has been made for fluid regardless of whether a number was reported.
- other
The reported value of any other correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- other_flag
A boolean flag indicating if heat flow has been corrected by some other means regardless of whether a number was reported.
- other_type
If any other correction other than those named here has been applied to the heat flow value, the type of correction should be specified here.
- refraction
The reported refraction correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- refraction_flag
A boolean flag indicating if heat flow has been corrected for refraction effects regardless of whether a number was reported.
- sed_erosion
The reported sedimentation eroision correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- sed_erosion_flag
A boolean flag indicating if heat flow has been corrected for sedimentation eroision effects regardless of whether a number was reported.
- topographic
The reported fluid topographic correction applied to the uncorrected heat flow value to obtain a corrected estimate.
- topographic_flag
A boolean flag indicating if heat flow has been corrected for topographic effects regardless of whether a number was reported.
- circ_time
- Circulation time in hours.
- comment
- Information supplied with the measurement either by the original author/researcher or the compiler.
- correction
- Applied temperature correction type.
- depth
- The depth at which the measurement was taken (if applicable).
- formation
- The name of the sampled geological formation.
- lag_time
lag time [hrs]
- log_id
- This is required for multiple logs to be stored on the same site.
- method
- The method used to obtain the reported value.
- operator
- The operator collecting the measurements
- reference
- The publication or other reference from which the measurement was reported.
- site
- source
- source_id
- This is the ID for the measurement used by the original source
- temperature
- The reported temperature in at the given depth.
- uncertainty
- Uncertainty on the reported temperature.
- year_logged
- Year the measurement was made.
- conductivity
The reported thermal conductivity in of the sample.
- comment
- Information supplied with the measurement either by the original author/researcher or the compiler.
- depth
- The depth at which the measurement was taken (if applicable).
- formation
- The name of the sampled geological formation.
- log_id
- This is required for multiple logs to be stored on the same site.
- method
- The method used to obtain the reported value.
- operator
- The operator collecting the measurements
- orientation
- The angle relative to the foliation or bedding where 0 is along foliation and 90 is perpendicular to foliation. Values can be a floating point number anywhere between 0 and 90.
- reference
- The publication or other reference from which the measurement was reported.
- rock_type
- The reported rock type.
- sample_diameter
- Diameter of the sample.
- sample_length
- Length of the sample.
- sample_name
- The reported name of the sample if applicable.
- sample_thickness
- Thickness of the sample.
- sample_width
- Width of the sample.
- source
- source_id
- This is the ID for the measurement used by the original source
- uncertainty
The uncertainty on the reported value.
- year_logged
- Year the measurement was made.
- comment
- Information supplied with the measurement either by the original author/researcher or the compiler.
- depth
- The depth at which the measurement was taken (if applicable).
- formation
- The name of the sampled geological formation.
- heat_generation
- The reported value of the sample.
- k_pc
- log_id
- This is required for multiple logs to be stored on the same site.
- method
- The method used to obtain the reported value.
- operator
- The operator collecting the measurements
- reference
- The publication or other reference from which the measurement was reported.
- rock_type
- The reported rock type.
- sample_name
- The reported name of the sample if applicable.
- site
- source
- source_id
- This is the ID for the measurement used by the original source
- th_ppm
- u_ppm
- uncertainty
- The uncertainty on the reported value.
- year_logged
- Year the measurement was made.